Miss Cindy Lendt

 Grade 2

Cindy Lendt was born in Mankato, MN, to Randy and Joyce Lendt. Two years later her younger sister (and close friend!) Nancy was born. She was educated at Trinity Lutheran School, Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School, and Martin Luther College. With her bachelor's degree of science in education, she headed up to St. Paul, MN, in 2009 to teach kindergarten and middle school math/Spanish/music (depending on the year) at St. John Lutheran School for eight years. She taught grade 3 for one year and grade 4 the next year at Good Shepherd Lutheran School in Burnsville, MN, before joining a mission organization that sends lay evangelists to countries in Asia. From 2019 to 2022, she taught English at schools and led Bible studies in her apartment in Southeast Asia before joining St. Paul's. She's very thankful to be God's child and very excited to be part of the team at St. Paul's!


"Walk in God's truth" ~ Psalm 86:11