Our Philosophy of Education
We believe that God created human life to be developmental and that the educational process must nurture the development of the whole child. The classroom environment must be flexible in allowing children to go through the predictable stages of growth and maturation on individual timetables, and also allow for the unique characteristics, learning styles, and family experiences of each child. Children are active learners and learn best through concrete, quality play experiences which are facilitated through purposeful planning and modeling by caring adults.
Program Goals
Through their experiences at Precious Lambs Preschool our children will:
Spiritual Development
know Bible stories
know who God is and that he cares about us
know who Jesus is and what he’s done for us
know that they can speak to Jesus in prayer
understand that there is certainty after death
know there’s never a problem so great that we can’t handle it
know that they are never alone
Social-Emotional Development
understand their feelings and express them in words
demonstrate growing independence and confidence in their abilities
develop responsibility for themselves and their environment
show curiosity and a desire to learn
learn to play, work, and communicate with peers and adults
show love and respect for all people
Cognitive Development
expand logical and mathematical thinking
acquire problem solving skills
make choices and plans, and bring them to completion
gain knowledge and concepts about the world
develop in their ability to understand language and to communicate
develop an interest in books and reading in various ways
demonstrate writing in various ways
use creativity and imagination
appreciate and express themselves in art, music and movement
Physical Development
learn to care for their own bodies
develop good nutrition habits
observe safety precautions
use large motor skills with confidence, control and coordination
refine small motor skills by using small muscles
-to coordinate eye-hand movement
-for self-help skills
-to use drawing and writing tools
Family Development
grow together as a family
draw closer to other families
share in maintaining a partnership between home and Precious Lambs Preschool