Our Mission Statement
Preparing children for this life and eternity by offering a superior academic and spiritual education
Our Foundation & Purpose
St. Paul's Lutheran school stands upon the foundation of God’s inspired and inerrant Word as revealed in the Holy Bible. The foundation of our faith is Jesus Christ. We believe that all people are sinners and deserve eternal death. (Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23). But, God in His love sent His son Jesus Christ to save us from our sins. John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
St. Paul's Lutheran School subscribes to the beliefs detailed in the publication “This We Believe” compiled by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod.
The purpose of our school is to offer a superior spiritual and academic education, preparing children for this life here on earth and for the life to come in eternity. We prepare children for life on earth by challenging them to do the best with their God-given abilities that our loving God has given them. Our academic courses are challenging but encouraging as children and parents see the steady progress of their children’s academic abilities. We also strive to prepare children for eternity by teaching God’s Word, not only in our religion classes, but also as it permeates throughout our entire educational curriculum.
Vision Statement
St. Paul’s Lutheran School is known for its superior spiritual and academic education whose students:
Know and appreciate Christ’s love for them and so desire to be faithful disciples for Christ
Exemplify that God’s Word is the foundation and guide for all life choices and decisions
Find their self-worth in Christ and what he has done and continues to do for them
Recognize their God-given talents and desire to use them to God’s glory
Are well-prepared for high school and desire to be life-long learners
Have compassion and respect for their fellow man
Are respected leaders among their peers
Have an appreciation for God’s gift of good health and make God-pleasing decisions that promote a healthy lifestyle
We strive to give our students a high quality education with strong Christian values. The goals of our school are to educate students:
Spiritually by using God’s Word in its truth and purity in teaching, correcting, rebuking, and training.
Academically by providing solid academic courses that encourage children to strive to do the best with their God-given talents and abilities.
Emotionally through God’s Word by developing Christ-esteem based on what God has done for them.
Socially by instructing students with rich insights into Christian love, charity, and respect toward their fellow man.
Physically by providing a physical education class that teaches children good sportsmanship, skill development, leadership, and health.